Well, I’m heading to Bouchercon next week. I’ve never been – I’m not much of a convention rat, to be honest; I attended a World Fantasy a few years ago and dipped my little toe into NY Comic Con last year, but that is actually the sum total of my experience. This year at Bouchercon I’ll actually know some folks and my agent will be there. Having someone there who is contractually obligated to buy you drinks is … something I’m not used to. Things might get ugly.

So, if you live in San Fran or are attending the con: Look me up. I’ll be the guy wandering around with a cowbell and a sandwich board that reads BUY ME A DRINK DAMN YOUR EYES. If you have any trouble locating me on the floor, show up for my 30-On-30 session on Thursday (here‘s the Thursday program for you):

30 on the 30

Jeff Somers: Science Fiction and Crime Fiction: The Most Exciting Combination since Whiskey and Soda

Time: 3:00 PM
Room: Seacliff D

Will there be actual whiskey in the room? Probably, and probably some tiny plastic cups for everyone too. Will there be much discussion of SF and Crime fiction? Maybe. If I sense I’m losing the room I’ll probably start break-dancing. This also depends on whether there’s whiskey in the room.

Anyways, see ya there!

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