Announcing the Mystery Box Giveaway

Kids, you may not know this, but as a published author it sometimes seems like you’re paid in free copies of your own books (sometimes literally: I received 1/3rd of my advance for my first novel Lifers literally as a bunch of free books). Then, sometimes, a publisher goes out of business or lets a book go out of print and then offers to sell you your own book stock for some ridiculous price, like a quarter a book, and so you buy approximately 500,000 of them because you can’t sleep at night thinking of your precious books being mulched.

End result? I have a lot of books that I wrote sitting around here. So, let’s give some away, want to? Here’s how it will work:

EVERY WEDNESDAY for the time being, I will send out a Tweet that says “Book Giveaway” (just those two words). The FIRST person to respond to that tweet will win a Mystery Box of books. It’s that simple. I’ll DM you for your address, and in a few days you get a Mystery Box of books.

What’s in the mystery box? IT IS A MYSTERY. It could be one book or five, and lord knows what the books will actually be. All that you can know is that they are all by me, and I’ll sign them, and there might be bookmarks and such included. I cannot even guarantee they will be in English, as I have a surprising number of German-language Avery Cates books lying around.

But you can’t choose which books to get and therefore you may be bitterly disappointed when you receive your Mystery Box and be moved to come to New Jersey and burn my house down. Which is fine, as it would be free publicity as I am filmed in front of my burning house holding five cats with tears streaming down my face. I believe that would be a recipe for INSTANT PITY BOOK SALES, so have at it.

That’s it. The Mystery Book Tweet could happen at any time between the hours of 8AM and 6PM EST on Wednesdays, until I announce the end of this thing I am doing. Good luck!


  1. Ila Turner

    How generous of you. I just downloaded “The Fixer” from Amazon from a promo email and looking forward to reading it. Can not imagine being disappointed in any of your books from what I’ve read so far.

    May I pin this offer to my Pinterest Page please here:

    I love helping (myself) and others discover new to us authors!

    Ila in Maine

  2. jsomers (Post author)

    Hi Ila – thank you so much! Hope you like Fixer, and by all means spread the offer far and wide!

  3. Ila Turner

    Consider it done – going to do so right now! Just replied to your BOOK GIVEAWAY on twitter – have no idea if I was first or not but sure hope so, one can not have enough books.

    Ila in Maine

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