Even MORE Comic Con 2009

So, the vids were posted late late last night. Comic Con is exhausting. I’ve heard that it’s become more and more commercialized over the years, and I believe it – in some ways this felt more like a trade show than a fan gathering. Everyone is trying to sell you things. Wonderful things, yes, but still. I felt pretty good that Orbit and I were just giving away books and meeting people – that part was ridiculously fun.

Seeing Lou “The Incredible Hulk” Ferrigno sitting lonely behind 150 feet of empty rope-line, waiting for someone to pay for his autograph? Not so much. I heard he was there for 8 hours. Obviously, that’s part of his job, what he does, but couldn’t they make it look friendlier? No harm in paying for autographs, but why did they have to set everything up like visiting hours at prison? I’m not famous, of course, but it seemed much more fun to have people crowded around the Orbit booth, shaking hands and cracking jokes.

My publisher, Orbit, and its duly appointed representatives, Alex and Dongwon, are AWESOME, despite the fact that Alex’s first question to me was “Did you really bring a flask?” and when I told him I’d forgotten it he sneered “You’re all talk!” I forgive him. I’m bringing the damn flask today, dammit, and will thus be drunk by the time my panel begins. I’m thinking something along the lines of My Favorite Year:

THEM: So, Mr. Somers, what about your influences as a writer?

ME: I’m not a writer, I’m a GENRE NOVELIST!

Or, er, something.

All I can say is, Alex and company make you feel good about being a cog in the industrial entertainment machine.

The folks in costume were fun, and not as prevalent as I would have imagined. Someday folks will be dressed as Monks, even if I have to pay them. Though I kept my eye out for the Death Note kid. If I see him, I’m high-tailing it out of there.

Anyway, we’re off to Day 2 in a bit. I will once again be twittering as I wander, and filming, and more vids will be posted tonight. Eventually I’m going to edit all the vids into a modest 5 minute little film, complete with some music and subtitles etc. Gonna be fun. As before: If you’re attending, find me. I’ll try to twitter my movements, though it’s hard because we actually don’t stay anywhere too long (unless The Duchess has found a deep vein of merch to mine) but I’ll try. And of course I’m doing the panel at 1:30 and a signing/book giveaway at the autograph area afterward, so if nothing else that is definitely where I’ll be. Probably sitting lonely and dejected while people crowd around others, so take pity on me.


  1. Jayf

    Hey Jeff-
    The SF & Fantasy author roundtable was fun, I’m glad you made it (and I’m glad I made it away from that insane floor for a while). I was glad to run into Alex at the Orbit booth as he was able to get me a signed copy of Digial Plague (I bought a copy at your KGB reading but wasn’t able to get it signed that night – you were surrounded by the bar). I’ll be sure to give my extra copy to my buddy Jon who attended the KGB reading with me. I also snagged some of the very cool bookmarks in the booth. I really can’t help being a nerd and loving this stuff.

  2. jsomers


    yeah, I’m glad I made it too! Glad you got swag–should’ve asked me for an extra TDP, would’ve been glad to oblige. Don’t hesitate.

    I really loved meeting everyone. Being able to shake hands with folks who actually read my books and enjoy them was a thrill. Glad you had fun too – and Peter must’ve been stoked to see his cover EVERYWHERE!


  3. Warez

    I really liked the way they came off

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