The Eternal Prison Cover

The Eternal Prison Cover

Some of you may have already seen this. Ain’t it pretty?



  1. Derek

    Sick cover. Seriously.

  2. Nemesis0


  3. Craig

    Dude, how much did they pay you to pose for the cover?

  4. jsomers (Post author)


    For that crack, I’m mailing some monkeys to your house. Don’t try to fight them, it’ll just make them more angry.


  5. Mike Collins

    That’s a fantastic cover.

    Jae Lee once again? You have some pull!

  6. jsomers (Post author)

    Hi Mike,

    My pull = 0.

    My publisher’s pull, on the other hand. . .


  7. Mike Collins

    Either way. Three for three with Jae Lee is pretty impressive.

    This one hits in August right?

  8. jsomers (Post author)

    August 09, yes!

    And Jae Lee is amazing, and I cannot believe how fortunate I am to have him associated with the books.


  9. Frank Marcopolos, The Caffeinated Writer

    Ooooh, awesomeness!

  10. Damaso

    Very nice art!

  11. Craig

    Well… the monkey’s finally left. I doubt that stately Zablo manor will ever be the same.

  12. Smedley

    And whats this nonsense about that cover not being on store book shelves till Aug 09?

  13. Rebecca

    I’m hoping that’s not supposed to be some twisted form of Avery Cates after being in prison/messed up by the SSF.

  14. jsomers (Post author)


    What the. . .my monkeys have been shaved! YOU BASTARD!



    Sorry, chap–that’s the word from the publisher. They don’t realize how bad the rioting’s going to be.



    Avery does not have much fun in this book. That’s all I’ll say.


  15. akabrady

    So this is what I get for sticking my head in a hole for two weeks. I didn’t even know the cover was out yet!

    It’s awesome!

  16. Dan

    Great cover, August 09 will be a fun day, For me anyway. Can’t say the same for Avery though, huh?

  17. jsomers (Post author)

    Thanks, Dan. yeah, I don’t think Avery’s got too many happy days. At least not while I’m around.


  18. Shannon

    Good to hear that Avery will be back in August. I hope this time around he doesn’t loose any more teeth. It’s almost unbearable to imagine all the damage Avery has sustained to his teeth. Even with his messed up mouth and shit-I’m-going-to-die-and-kill-you-at-the-same-time attitude, he is one of my top 10 all time favorite characters.

    P.S. Who cares who had more pull with Jae Lee.
    Fact: Jae Lee did your cover art and that my friend is fucking fantastic!

    P.S.S The art work Jae Lee did for the Stephen King Dark Tower comic series is so brilliant.

  19. jsomers (Post author)

    Hey Shannon,

    Thanks! I think I’ll need to set up a spreadsheet of some sort tracking all the physical damage I’ve piled on Avery, to avoid saying something about his “eyes” in book 9 when I clearly poked one out in book 6.

    Jae Lee rocks.


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