Another Review

Shipwreck innovation is an amazing thing. So far I’ve been able to fashion an amazing array of useful items from the furniture and other items in my hotel room. It’s an old place, a little dusty and smelling strongly of ancient Murphy’s Soap treatments. The walls are papered with several layers of wallpaper, each more ghastly than the last, and the carpet has that perpetually dusty quality that makes you sneeze just by looking at it.

I’ve been in here for weeks now, forced to blog by My Corporate Masters, without a television, without a radio, with a one-way Internet connection, and my supplies of booze–smuggled in via techniques you do NOT want to know about–running low. So if I want anything new, I pretty much have to make it myself. This is not always successful.

Anyway, I’ve caught another nice review of TEC out there on the intarwebs, over on SFRevue, by John Berlyne. He starts off with

Jeff Somers’ début novel, The Electric Church is a lot of fun, in an explosive and profane kind of way”

and goes from there. Despite not liking the amount of cussing in it, he generally thinks the book is bully. And so will you. Buy twelve.


  1. Michael

    Update your counter, buddy. I just got mine! When you do readings for this or The Digital Plague, come down to Coachella Valley. Please. And thanks for the ARG ride. Also, please do another for Digital Plague!

  2. jsomers (Post author)


    Hot damn! 10 is soooo close. When you know personally that you’ve sold 10 books, you’ve hit the big time.

    ARG: I’ll pass this on to my publisher and hope they fund another game. I think they had as much fun putting it together as y’all did playing it.

    Reading: Only if you promise to bring 20 people. I’ve done readings where no one came–and I mean NO ONE–and I’m delicate, emotionally.


  3. Dragonsnake

    BTW, my book arrived yesterday. After the ARG, it’s really fan to have it in my hands. Do U know why there is a difference between the American & English covers ? And thank u again for the entertaining experience (game & book).

  4. jsomers (Post author)

    Hey Dragonsnake,

    Cool! I really hope you like it as much as the game led you to expect. Please feel free to let me know your reaction, good or bad.

    I do have copies of both editions. There will be a Russian edition as well, I think–a Russian publisher bought the rights, but I don’t know any more details than that.


  5. Michael

    I’ll drag them there, but if there is only 19, promise me not to cry. Please?

  6. jsomers (Post author)


    I have little control over the crying.

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