Paul Di Filippo Likes TEC

My days vary here in the hotel. When there is a good review or positive media mention of me, sandwiches are left on the small coffee table in the parlor. When a bad review is posted, or if I’ve failed to blog recently, something is stolen from the room in the night. Once they took the toilet handle. Another time they removed all the light switches. I’ve found I can “earn” back some of these items with good press or energetic blogging. This morning, in addition to sandwiches, I got back my underwear, which is very comforting.

The reason is this mention of The Electric Church by Paul Di Filippo on the Barnes and Noble Review. Huzzah! It’s wonderful to be mentioned in such august company, and by someone who is such a great writer himself.

In other news, I’ve been interviewed a few times recently and should have something to show for all my glib, charming answers in a bit. I tried to work in subtle SOSes with clues as to where I’m being held, but I’m sure the bastards will edit it all out, along with my passionate discourse on the usefulness of Helper Monkeys.