Friday Miscellania

Ah yes, the half-assed, cobbled together post on Friday afternoon! A Somers tradition, whether you realize it or not. En garde!

  • First off: A reminder that I am damn well giving away books over at Good Reads. You should join GR and sign up for it. 15 copies, signed, are up for grabs!
  • Second: My readers are the best readers in the world. Here’s Avery Cates by Aidan Min:

Avery Cates by Aidan Min

And that’s it for today. I have a busy weekend of whisky consumption, baseball games, and naps to get going on. No, actually, I’m hella busy this weekend (and I support the effort to have huge numbers in math prefixed “Hella-“)

1 Comment

  1. Damaso

    So I eagerly await the next Cates adventure but there is NO release date for the Kindle version. Wassup? I know you are powerless before your publisher but I’d like to have something to read while I am in Vienna!

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